Lockdown Organisational Tips

With Australia in and out of border closures, lockdowns and home-schooling, Steph is reaching out to lend a hand by offering organisational tips and FREE resources from Steph Pase Planners, to help those struggling to stay organised, and families needing… Continue Reading >

Covid lockdown…has it helped or hindered your baby’s sleep?

Another return to lockdown is crushing our mental health and children are also feeling it too.  The effects of restrictions that changed our normal daily activities and routine from that of purpose to go about the day without the need… Continue Reading >

Pandemic Fatigue? Experts Share Tips to be Brighter this Spring

Amid ongoing lockdowns throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the past 12 months has caused significant strain on the mental health of Australians, with over a third stating their emotional wellbeing has been worse than usual, or, the worst it’s ever been… Continue Reading >

Learning to Learn During Lockdown

Lockdowns are tough on everyone, but they can be especially tough for children, who lack the organisational skills that many adults have spent years developing. Cut off from their friends and teachers and stuck at home with parents who have… Continue Reading >

A New Style of Learning Emerges as the Result of a Pandemic

Katherine Ohlsen   “Every day counts and there is no ‘safe’ threshold for absences” – Hancock et al., 2013. When teachers were first thrown into the pandemic, learning to adjust to the new way of educating our students was first… Continue Reading >

4 Ways to Survive and Thrive in Continued Lockdown

Are you and your family struggling under ever-increasing emotional, mental, and financial pressure caused by government-imposed restrictions and continued lockdowns? You’re not alone. The ongoing inconsistency and uncertainty have unsettled family life like nothing before. As parents, we try to… Continue Reading >

Consuming Less, Enjoying More

I am writing this piece in the midst of a lockdown in Sydney. It’s not going well, numbers are rising, not falling. One of the reasons is that most shops are still open, and people are flocking to them in… Continue Reading >

The Importance of Play During Lockdown

With the threat of the COVID-19 Delta variant plaguing states around Australia and New South Wales’ lockdown set to continue for the foreseeable future, it’s important to take a step back and reassess the tools we have to help our… Continue Reading >

How to Survive and Thrive in this Ongoing Lockdown

The Coronavirus pandemic has been exceptionally difficult for everyone and is having a huge impact on all of our lives. With half of Australian’s in lockdown at the moment, it is important that we are doing all that we can… Continue Reading >

Battling Lockdown Fatigue: Three Strategies to Bolster our Resilience

by Dr Tom Brunzell, Director of Education,  Berry Street Victoria   All parents have come to know the feeling well—the nervous stomach and in-take of breath each morning when checking the news. One day it’s relief that no news is… Continue Reading >