Corn and Zucchini Fritters

Toast has no place on Mother’s Day and few things feel more indulgent than relaxing, unimpeded by kids or to-do lists, between bites of fluffy Corn and Zucchini Fritters. In the lead up to Mother’s Day, Lifestyle – Hopewood’s recipe… Continue Reading >

Dad of Twins

A lot of the time people ask how mum is doing after having twins or triplets, which of course is perfectly fine and needed as they have gone through a huge transition and a lot of changes are still happening… Continue Reading >

Top tips for living a healthy lifestyle on a budget

Many people assume a healthy lifestyle means a big hole in the budget. Staying fit requires expensive gym memberships and exercise classes and eating well equals eating into your grocery bill. Wrong. If you actually want to take ownership of… Continue Reading >

The Hampton’s Style: Interview with Porter Davis Interior Designer, Koraly Symeou

There are few modern interior design trends that are adored as much as the Hamptons Style. Inspired by the sophisticated homes of New York’s rich and famous, the Hamptons style defines casual luxe and is the epitome of timeless elegance. The… Continue Reading >

Safety first – which foods should you stay away from during pregnancy?

Whether you’re a worrier or more happy-go-lucky, you’ve probably had at least a few thoughts about how your lifestyle will affect your baby. The good news: if you’re eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, you’re probably doing okay! The… Continue Reading >

You’ve just found out that you’re expecting – so what’s next?

First of all, congratulations! Whether you’re feeling excited or shocked (or maybe somewhere in between!), I’m here to offer support and healthy living advice to keep you and your baby happy during the months to come. Whether you’re a first-time… Continue Reading >

Leading Australian Dietitian, Melanie McGrice joins Kiddipedia!

Melanie McGrice is a leading Australian dietitian and a highly respected author, researcher, journalist, speaker, blogger, thought leader and media personality on nutrition and dietary issues – and we are thrilled to be in partnership with her.  As an Advanced… Continue Reading >