If you’re a couple of months into your pregnancy, the temptation to give into those ice cream cravings and hang out on the couch is probably growing as fast as your baby is! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so important… Continue Reading >
Traditionally, a Doula was a woman offering non-medical support and information to other women and their partners during birth and the postnatal period. ‘Doula‘ is a Greek word that came to mean “woman’s servant”. I believe that a Doula is a support and information bank… Continue Reading >
Nobody knows a child better than their parent. Since we share each moment of their growth and developmental we become acutely aware of their individual characteristics, attributes and idiosyncrasies. All children advance at their own pace. It is, however, our… Continue Reading >
By Renee Adair A doula, or birth attendant, is usually a woman, who offers non-medical support and information to parents in pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. ‘Doula’ is a Greek word that has come to mean, “to serve”. There… Continue Reading >