How to Reawaken your Mind in Motherhood

Do you remember the last time you allowed your mind to be still? To be focused on your own emotions? Your own wellbeing? Motherhood brings many changes to a woman’s life that when her new baby arrives, her mind is… Continue Reading >

The Power of Self-Care: How to Combat Emotional Eating This Holiday Season

Whether it’s your annual visit to grandma’s house or a holiday party, food is a big part of the season. Here are some tips for how to prevent emotional eating during the holiday season: The biggest challenge of holiday parties… Continue Reading >

Two hours is all she needs

Celebrate mum this mother’s day by leaving her alone !!! Two hours without interruptions, cleaning, cooking, answering questions, washing, listening to kids screaming, emails, text or other distractions. Two hours where she doesn’t have to think about anyone but herself…. Continue Reading >

A Guide to Coping with Reminders of your Pregnancy and Child Loss

The trauma of pregnancy, baby or child loss is at some level, always with those who experience this type of loss. Working through your loss with support can help you find the skills and coping strategies to be better able… Continue Reading >