As much as we yearn to protect our kids and shield them from pain, there are times when they will be hurt. For instance, there is not much we can do to protect them from the pain of grief and… Continue Reading >
There is much to process as you return to the workplace after having your baby. You may experience a wide array of emotions. You are managing many changes such as: separation from your child, potentially a different workplace or new… Continue Reading >
Going through a separation can be a complex journey, and it can be impossible to predict how this decision is going to impact your child. Regardless of their age, children are very intuitive to change and unrest, and so it… Continue Reading >
With over exposure to internet and social media these days, we all need to be careful what role modelling our children receive. Our children are our future leaders and more now than ever, we need to instil solid values from… Continue Reading >
For a parent of a child with special needs, they see their experience as unique and challenging but not an unrewarding one. They make it their mission to find simple joys in this whole ugly mess we call life…. Continue Reading >
New mum Karen recently asked this question in my Facebook group: “My son is 12 months old and is a good eater. What can I do to continue this into his adult life, if my husband won’t even eat his… Continue Reading >
Does your kid smile at complete strangers? Offer to help someone in need? Say please, thank you and excuse me? Show compassion, kindness and respect at all times? Invite and include everyone in their classroom to their birthday parties? If… Continue Reading >
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