As the summer holidays fade away into a sun-soaked distant memory, parents and carers across the nation are strapping in and getting back into the regular school routine. While some children have embraced the return to learning and reuniting with… Continue Reading >
The holidays are over and school is back in session. While we, as parents, may be grateful for the return to routine and some peace and quiet, strangely enough, our kids may not share in our enthusiasm. Many kids become… Continue Reading >
The dreaded back to school is just around the corner! How are you going to cope? What are you going to do to make this year different? Organise, take advantage of sales and priories those lunchboxes! Yearly organisation! Use sales… Continue Reading >
With the benefits of homework established, especially for senior students, the skill set of an independent learner is one that parents can help their children begin to develop from a young age, through the routine of study and homework. Although… Continue Reading >
The requirement for our children to do homework has been an infamous debate among teachers, parents, experts and students for quite some time. However, with the benefits of homework established, especially for senior students, the skill set of an independent… Continue Reading >
We all want our children to develop healthy habits and succeed, and we also want to make our life as parents’ smoother. So, when it comes to being able to successfully motivate our children to complete their homework it’s a… Continue Reading >
Back to school can be a stressful time for the whole family – not just the kids! Maybe your child is starting a new school and you are worried they won’t “fit in” or maybe your child is about to… Continue Reading >
Most of us look forward to the end of the working week. For many, Friday represents a ‘finish line.’ As school routines and work commitments collide, weeks still seem to fly by. Then, before we know it, it’s time to… Continue Reading >
My 4 year old loves anything to do with numbers and the alphabet at the moment. As a Mum I’m constantly looking for new ways that I can incorporate new learning experiences for him. One thing that I have found… Continue Reading >
I’m a working mother, I work 4 days a week and have had my job for 6 years. After both of my children I returned to work relatively early (7 months). Working gives me balance and purpose. Plus, I like… Continue Reading >
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