Learning Music during this Summer Holiday

Summer is in full swing with its long, sunny days, warm evenings, and opportunities to relax and recharge. For parents, it’s also a time to find meaningful ways to keep kids engaged and learning while they enjoy their break. One… Continue Reading >

Surviving Party Season with Fussy Eaters

We all know how crazy the party season gets!  Would you love to feel at ease with what your kids are eating over the holiday season?  Navigating party season confidently for kids (let alone working out what to eat) means… Continue Reading >

A countdown of small, meaningful ways the family can spread kindness and holiday cheer in the days leading up to Christmas

Don’t panic, but the countdown to Christmas is fast approaching (let’s not start counting the days just yet)! As the season approaches, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year just gone, while also looking forward to the holiday… Continue Reading >

Holiday Survival Kit: Essential Tools for a Stress-Free Season

The holiday season often evokes images of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many, it also brings a lot of tension, particularly when it comes to navigating family dynamics. While the media portrays holidays as a time of harmony, the… Continue Reading >

How to Have the Holiday Period You Wish For

What does the holiday period mean to you? What do you wish for this year? For some the holiday period is a wonderful gathering with friends and loved ones, while for others it can be long periods of loneliness or stress…. Continue Reading >

Tips to get the kids off screens this Easter Holidays

By Melissa MacDonald creator of Zipboom Educational Toys   Many parents will agree that there is more time being dedicated to learning on screens at school, so holidays can often be challenging to try and set limits on the amount… Continue Reading >

Hop to It! Books to Celebrate Easter

by Susan Taylor   With Easter (aka the chocolate season) just around the corner, what better way to get little ones egg-cited about the magical holiday than with a few cute bunny tales?! Here are our top story picks of… Continue Reading >

Fun Easter Activities for Kids

Easter is here and there are a lot of ways to be excited about since it showcases a lot of light and bright colors plus anything that gets to do with eggs and bunnies. Our kids really enjoy getting into… Continue Reading >

Long Haul Tips to make traveling with kids easy and enjoyable

Media kindly brought to you by Plane Pal   Let’s face it, after the challenges of the last few years, we all need a holiday. There’s nothing better than packing your bags and getting away for some much-needed R&R and… Continue Reading >

Why Your Family Should Take Things Slow This Holiday Season

Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash   At this time of year, it’s so easy to get swept up in the celebrations that herald Christmas and the end of the year. There are school events to attend, extra-curricular activities to… Continue Reading >