Helping children learn: What is the right speed of activities?

You may have noticed that children like to take their time – something small holds their attention for ages, especially when the adults are in a hurry!! However we can manage this better when we understand the process behind their… Continue Reading >

Helping Kids to Stay Safe

A new initiative tailored for children living in Rainbow Families is keeping young people safe. Developed by Prosper (Project Australia) and Rainbow Families, the newly launched program helps young people to understand safety, develop protective behaviours and navigate complex issues, such as anti-LGBTQ+… Continue Reading >

How To Get Your Toddler To Sleep

By Dr Sandy Hopper   What most parents remember about the hazy, first days of having a newborn is not just the incredible feeling of love for their new baby, but the seemingly endless sleepless nights; those 2 am feeds… Continue Reading >

Help a Miracle this Christmas

Every year in Australia, 48,000 babies are born requiring specialised care. Of these, 27,000 are born premature and up to 1,000 babies will sadly lose their fight for life. 132 babies will be born on Christmas Day, and will sadly… Continue Reading >

The 5 Lessons I’ve Learnt as a New Dad

By Joshua Cavanagh   As a first-time parent to a daughter of 7 months, I have found parenting to be a never-ending journey filled with highs, lows, ups, and downs. But, for the most part, it has been filled with… Continue Reading >

7 gift-giving hacks to a great Christmas without overspending

Don’t let your rendition of “We wish you a Merry Christmas” hit a bad note with a debt-riddled new year. These gift-giving hacks will help keep your spirits AND your bank balance cheery! Every Christmas, Australians run up billions of… Continue Reading >

Handling “Those Looks” When You Have Fussy Kids at Christmas Gatherings

As a parent with a fussy eater, you have no doubt been served up your fair share of common-wisdom-but-oh-so-wrong advice when it comes to managing your child’s fussy eating behaviour. And as I have written about here for Kiddipedia previously,… Continue Reading >

How to Meet the Challenges of Special Needs Parenting

It can be hard to manage the needs of a child with a disability or diagnosis. Regardless of your situation, the condition(s) you’re managing and the support available to you, being a special needs parent is one tough gig. As… Continue Reading >

Will a Fitbit help my child? The story of Hare and Tortoise

By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics Facebook Bayside Dietetics Instagram BaysideDietetics   This is the story of Hare, who bought a FitBit, and Tortoise, who didn’t. As always, my blogs are an interpretation of up-to-date research, so there is… Continue Reading >

How supplementation can help your child to thrive

It is now commonplace to walk down the health aisle of your supermarket and be faced with a wall of ‘kids dietary supplements. From gummies to bars, powders and shakes, the choices are overwhelming for any parent. But does your… Continue Reading >