Don’t turn a bad day into a bad mother

We’ve all had these days…when nothing seems to work as planned. The baby won’t go to sleep, the toddler decides to throw a tantrum at the most inconvenient time, we get the unexpected call from school to pick up our… Continue Reading >

Benefits of being a fit and active parent

Let’s face it…. regardless of whether you’ve got one child, or a whole tribe of kids…. once they become mobile, you need to be on your toes and on the ready at all times! Not only are kids constantly on… Continue Reading >

Off to a Great Start – Helping Autistic Children to Have a Successful Start to the Year

New year & new routines: Tips for transitioning children who need structure Preparing autistic children for a successful start to the new school year can feel daunting for parents. Whether starting school for the first time, moving to a new… Continue Reading >

Too fishy. Getting Omega 3 for kids…without fish

By Sarah Smith, Accredited Practising Dietitian FB Bayside Dietetics   One of my toddler clients this week told me she loved Brussels Sprouts and cabbage but didn’t like chips. I wonder how we get such strong food preferences so… Continue Reading >

Managing Empathy Overload: Strategies for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

What is Empathy? “Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff. “But for empaths, it goes much further. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own… Continue Reading >

“An open letter to my son, on his fifth birthday.”

To my baby boy on your fifth birthday, “No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.” – Kristen Proby…. Continue Reading >

What skills can art teach children?

Do you have any memories from preschool? Many remember wearing an art smock and the smell of paint as you stood in front of an art easel with a paintbrush in hand. Have you ever thought of why parents treasure… Continue Reading >