Fussy Eaters and how a dietitian can help

Authors: Stella Boyd-Ford and Emily Easman   Mealtimes can often be stressful for some parents and when a child refuses food or demands alternative meals, parents may become frustrated or concerned that their child is not eating enough. When children… Continue Reading >

Easter: Healthier alternatives to chocolate treats

When people think ‘Easter foods’ they think chocolate eggs and sweet snacks – but it doesn’t have to be that way. With approximately 27% of Aussie kids are considered overweight, it’s more important now than ever that we teach our kids… Continue Reading >

A Dietitian’s guide to indulging this Easter; finding a healthy balance for your kids.

All commentary to be attributed to Marianne Hudson, MACROS Dietitian and Food Specialist   With Easter just around the corner, you’re likely already planning the long weekend activities, and no doubt your holiday will be featuring chocolate and treats of… Continue Reading >

How to have a healthier Easter and avoid (some of) the chocolate binge

By Endeavour College Nutrition Instructor and Nutritionist Sophie Scott who designs short online courses on nutrition for Endeavour Short Courses: endeavourshortcourses.edu.au Start the day right –  You’re less likely to stock up on Easter chocolate and buns if you’ve had… Continue Reading >

6 Expert Tips for a Healthy Easter

From clinical nutritionist, blogger and author Jess Sepel Easter is traditionally a time for overindulging in chocolate eggs or other sweet treats, however this year there’s an even bigger focus on being with loved ones and looking after the wellbeing… Continue Reading >

Tips for a healthier Easter

As the Easter bunny hops its way into households very soon, there are many eager children anticipating a delicious dose of chocolate eggs and treats. Alongside the joy this can bring, it can also raise concerns for parents on how… Continue Reading >

Are Pre-plated Meals Failing Your Fussy Eater?

“I put such healthy options on his plate, like peas and carrots! By now he has had a great deal of exposure but still will not eat them, it is so disheartening!”, Carol said to me. “All he does is… Continue Reading >

Benefits of being a fit and active parent

Let’s face it…. regardless of whether you’ve got one child, or a whole tribe of kids…. once they become mobile, you need to be on your toes and on the ready at all times! Not only are kids constantly on… Continue Reading >

Crafting Healthy Spaces: Architectural Solutions for Allergy-Friendly Environments in Early Childhood

Parenting is a journey full of joy and challenges, and managing severe allergies in young children adds an extra layer of complexity. As parents, our utmost priority is to create a secure haven at home, where our little ones can… Continue Reading >

How to create a healthy lunch box

As kids head back to school, accredited nutritionist and cookbook author Faye James shares her tips on how to create a healthy lunchbox. Prep, prep, prep One of the key things to ensuring your kids have a healthy lunchbox is… Continue Reading >