Working Smarter Not Harder

By Damon Nailer   Working smarter, not harder means you find the most efficient methods for accomplishing your goals and completing your tasks. You are able to eliminate extra or double work. Here are some suggestions for working smarter instead… Continue Reading >

Starting High School:  Managing anxiety

Flashback to 2017 and “WOW”.  It seems like only yesterday I was attending his kindergarten graduation and stressing over what Primary school would hold for him.  How would he ever cope?  How would he fit in?  Would he make friends? … Continue Reading >

Mums Feed Your Soul

I’ve nearly been a mum for ten years. During these years I feel like who I am has changed, or more like it the perception of who I am has. Before kids I was eager to climb the corporate ladder,… Continue Reading >

Top 10 Things I wish I knew before I became a Parent

  Becoming a parent is the best thing in the world and as soon as you get that news that you are becoming one, you start preparing yourself for the inevitable. Planning, researching and getting informed are some of the… Continue Reading >