Conflict resolution amongst families during the festive season

The festive season represents many good things for most people. Family time, laughter, celebration, gifts and generally hanging with close friends and family. It also represents tough times for others – people who are alone and don’t have families or… Continue Reading >

Top Tips To Save Money When Christmas Shopping This Festive Season

Let’s face it, shopping for Christmas is often stressful and exhausting and can be quite expensive. However, with the right planning and preparation —  Christmas shopping can be both enjoyable and doesn’t need to break the bank. As a marketing… Continue Reading >

Finding the true meaning of Christmas during the Festive Season Frenzy?

Christmas … for me the very word conjures up feelings of excitement, love and anticipation. I know I am extremely lucky: I have three gorgeous kids, a great extended family and awesome friends who never fail to make me laugh…. Continue Reading >

The Christmas treat cheat sheet that will keep your pets safe this festive season

With Christmas just around the corner, it’s almost time to eat an abundance of delicious food guilt free! Unfortunately, this doesn’t include everyone in the family. As pet parents it’s important that all human family members, especially children, practice responsible… Continue Reading >

How to better handle negative thoughts this Festive Season

There are parts of our mental experience that we can control, for example, we can think on purpose; like when planning a holiday, or needing to problem solve a situation, or when making an important decision. And there are parts… Continue Reading >

Peace, Love and Joy!

By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet Peace, Love and Joy – three little words synonymous with Christmas.  But what do they mean to you?   We talk about Peace in the context of war and world peace.  True peace starts… Continue Reading >

Resolving Conflict Around The Festive Season

The festive season is marketed as a time of joy, family, light heartedness, gratitude and love, yet for many it is a season of expectations, angst and potential suffering. There is no way to get around it; spending more –… Continue Reading >

The Giving Games

WORDS Kate Symons ’Tis the season to be jolly, but the spirit of giving at Christmas can get lost in the spirit of ‘expanding our wish list’. This festive season, we celebrate the kids whose number one wish is to… Continue Reading >