As Mother’s Day approaches so does the Federal election, how are both these relevant I hear you ask?! Firstly, there are over a million of us living in step and blended families. Did you know that Step mum out number… Continue Reading >
Mother’s Day is just one day of 365 days to recognise and acknowledge the role of all women and all female carers; mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, guardians, carers in their often unsung and unpaid roles as carers of Australian children. Biology… Continue Reading >
Your expectations shape your experiences. And it’s no different with the transition to motherhood. You may have assumptions about what the birth will be like, the type of parent you will be, the things you will or will not do… Continue Reading >
The transition to parenthood is a significant period in any person’s life. People often feel optimistic and excited as the birth of a baby approaches, and this time is often associated with joy and celebration. Sometimes family and friends express… Continue Reading >
Many of us think that returning to work after maternity leave is like coming back to work after a long holiday. Yes, we may have forgotten our logins, our brains may be a bit foggy, and we may be spending… Continue Reading >
Parenthood means everything to me. I love, love, love being a father. To make things even better, I have been serving as a parent educator for a few years now, and this has been an absolutely awesome journey. Because of… Continue Reading >
Some families have coped more successfully than others with the disruption and change COVID issued in. Mattson Newell, a director for Partners in Leadership, a Fortune 500 Company, realised that the most successful people displayed a quality not covered by IQ… Continue Reading >
The holiday season is fast looming. Does that thought fill you with joy or trepidation? If the answer is trepidation, you would certainly not be alone. Because although this time of year is supposed to be one of jollity and… Continue Reading >
Raising a teenager is not easy. And to make it worse, lockdowns and COVID have put that task on steroids! When your child starts moving into the teen years their world is thrown upside down; their body suddenly changes, they… Continue Reading >
Walking along the frozen aisle at Coles, a woman stops next to us in front of the vegetables. “Oh, how far along are you?”. “7 months” I reply. She beams at my daughter looking at her suspiciously “how exciting! You’re… Continue Reading >
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