Starting School

Starting school can be an emotional time for families who have experienced the birth of a baby born premature or sick. An early or traumatic birth can lead to growth or developmental delays, behavioural challenges and disabilities, and how their… Continue Reading >

FAMILY SAFETY: What we learnt after having a HOUSE FIRE.  

One saved photo of a precious family memory – (camping along the Murray River.)   You might think that a house fire will never happen to your family. I hope it doesn’t! However, despite our best efforts to keep our… Continue Reading >


I have always been an incredibly sensitive and emotional person, well before I met my future husband and his three boys. So the feeling of guilt was not unknown to me, however, in the role of step mum, I feel… Continue Reading >

Learning to Trust your Instincts….

Trusting your instincts is a common enquiry, of when to know the gut instinct you have is right and best listened to, versus what a fear is arising in you from an emotional response by something in the media, the… Continue Reading >

Report finds bullying and emotional and behavioural problems impact on primary students’ learning ability

New research has found that a large percentage of Australian eight to 12-year-olds are being bullied and/or experiencing emotional difficulties – and these children are falling behind their peers in numeracy and reading in the classroom. The Murdoch Children’s Research… Continue Reading >

TWINS AND MULTIPLES – 5 tips to help you cope

Did you just find out you will be having twins, or triplets or more???  If so, congratulations!!!  Your life is about to change, and to be honest, it won’t all be easy.  But it isn’t also going to be as… Continue Reading >

Where did I put my magic wand?

Helping parents with their family challenges. A Psychologist’s Perspective Life can be challenging, and many parents find that out early on: a crying baby, lack of sleep, toddler tantrums, your child is bullied, teenage dramas, kids not listening? For the… Continue Reading >

When Monsters Attack

“Muuuummm”.  That loud pitched scream usually heard exactly 90 seconds after you have sat down for the night to enjoy some ‘me-time’.  You have just settled yourself on the couch with a cuppa and that book you have been meaning… Continue Reading >

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but gee they’re fun to play with!

The sight of a child playing with sticks and stones is usually enough to elicit some kind of freak-out response from most parents and with good reason; sticks and stones can be dangerous right? But really, that can be said… Continue Reading >

What is a Doula and what are the benefits of hiring one?

Traditionally, a Doula was a woman offering non-medical support and information to other women and their partners during birth and the postnatal period. ‘Doula‘ is a Greek word that came to mean “woman’s servant”. I believe that a Doula is a support and information bank… Continue Reading >