Sociological and psychological reasons why children lie and how to support them not to lie.

One of the forefront reasons children tell lies is saving self or what in psychology we know as self-preservation. The fear of disappointing those in whom eyes they want to be seen as good. Socially, imagine letting down those that… Continue Reading >

Helping Your Child Manage Disappointment

Disappointment can be a difficult emotion to manage, especially for parents. Nobody likes to see their child hurt or upset, and it can be challenging to help them navigate this. However, this can be an excellent opportunity to teach them… Continue Reading >

How to help children manage disappointment

The most effective way to help children manage disappointment is by building their resilience. Building resilience in children is something that should never be taken lightly when it comes to childhood development. Though childhood is often seen as a carefree… Continue Reading >

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids

It was 4:30 in the afternoon, and I’d taken Mitchell shopping after school. Both he and I were tired, but I knew I needed to pick something up from the store before they closed at 5. I was in a… Continue Reading >

How To Help Kids Cope With Disappointment Caused By Isolation | Kari Sutton | Ep 12

The COVID-19 era is going to be one that children will remember as being the point in time that they missed out many things, mostly the things that meant a lot to them. They will remember COVID-19 being the reason… Continue Reading >

How to help kids cope with disappointment caused by isolation

In a world impacted by Coronavirus it can seem like everything fun has been cancelled. There are so many things that have suddenly disappeared from our children’s lives –  birthday parties, holidays, visiting grandparents, play dates, the Easter Show- so… Continue Reading >

Avoiding the Christmas Rush when shopping for your Children

Christmas is one of my favourite time of the year but I hate being in shopping centres during November and December when the mad rush is on so I have created a system that avoids this issue.   ***You can… Continue Reading >