Breastfeeding your unwell baby

Fortunately, due to the immunity-boosting factors in your breast milk, your breastfed baby will usually be healthy and well. However, if your baby does get sick, for instance with a cold or ear infection, this may affect his feeding. He… Continue Reading >

Everything you should know about Listeria during pregnancy

Have you recently found out that you’re pregnant? What amazing news to receive! There’s nothing more exciting than the prospect of starting a family. However, I understand that this time can be a little nerve-racking, as you want to protect… Continue Reading >

Caring For Your Baby’s Bottom – preventing and curing nappy rash.

If your baby’s bum isn’t as smooth as it should be according to the old age (‘smooth as a baby’s bum’), but red and inflamed instead, your little one will no doubt cry and be miserable, especially as urine scalds… Continue Reading >

Should you go gluten-free?

Gluten is one popular and controversial topic! Despite the boom in gluten-free products, the health claims made around gluten, and the number of people claiming to eat gluten-free, many of us don’t actually know what gluten is or how it… Continue Reading >