As much as we yearn to protect our kids and shield them from pain, there are times when they will be hurt. For instance, there is not much we can do to protect them from the pain of grief and… Continue Reading >
Children by nature are inquisitive They are just learning about the world and its only natural that as they grow they seek answers to questions. Sometimes children can ask the strangest questions out of the blue, other times it may… Continue Reading >
Since 1st August, 8 children have died across metropolitan and regional Victoria. Kidsafe Victoria and The Royal Children’s Hospital are urging parents and carers to set up safe play areas and actively supervise children, in response to an alarming spike… Continue Reading >
Red Nose is Australia’s leading authority on safe sleep and safe pregnancy, and bereavement support for families affected by the death of a child. Founded in 1997, Red Nose Australia are the leading Safe Sleep Experts. We have more than 40 years’… Continue Reading >
Talking to kids about the hard stuff can be, well, really hard. As a parent it is our job to guide our children through life, and topics such as death, divorce and sex will inevitably come up and can be… Continue Reading >
It’s 8pm on a Friday night and my three year old still hasn’t gone to sleep, tomorrow I will discover that he has developed a 38.8 fever as explanation for his recent bout of objectionable behaviour but right now I… Continue Reading >
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