Going through a separation is difficult, especially if kids are involved. It can get messy, sometimes spiteful, not to mention emotionally challenging for all who are involved. There are benefits to putting your differences aside and trying to settle out of… Continue Reading >
Separation of the parents is often tough on the children especially when there is a dispute on the custody of a child. It is usually the best interest of the child that is considered in this case and it would… Continue Reading >
Most parents can (and should) avoid going to Court about arrangements for their children in the event of separation. Unfortunately for some, Court is where they end up. Here are 5 things not to do if you find yourself in… Continue Reading >
Rachael Scharrer created Divorce Answered to help people separate with greater ease and efficiency than she did. With free and affordable resources, you can separate with clarity, confidence and a sense of empowerment. When armed with the right information and resources, you can drive your di-vorce and increase the likelihood of an efficient and cost-effective resolution.