Preparing for your New-born (Mindfully)

By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet How do we Mindfully Prepare for the arrival of our New-born?  I would say that in life some things go to plan, and many things don’t go to plan.  This is certainly true for… Continue Reading >

Tips on Managing Work while Pregnant

Pregnancy looks and feels different from woman to woman but also from pregnancy to pregnancy for the same woman. Depending on age, job type, and health risks, the list goes on. My first pregnancy in 2008 when I was a… Continue Reading >

Don’t wish for a glamorous life. Instead, be okay with the mundane!

We came across a quote recently by Dr Edith “Mundane life is life too”. And it got us thinking… Generally a typical day can look like this: Wake up, prepare breakfast, pick up stuff off the floor, watch news, look… Continue Reading >

Different strokes for different folks- parenting is no different.

As adults, we often talk to each other about our kids and our own parenting decisions. Some parents overshare, while a few may withdraw. Some may look to each other for advice and sometimes, for validation. Without realising it, we… Continue Reading >