COVID-19 and Post-Separation Parenting

As if co-parenting after separation wasn’t hard enough, now parents have COVID19 to deal with! Here are 5 tips to help you navigate the co-parenting landscape in this uncertain time. Stick to your Orders – if possible The Family Court… Continue Reading >

Managing Eczema At School

So we are all well & truly back to school right now, and no doubt for some of you, your child’s eczema has decided to go right off the deep end! The first few weeks back to school can be… Continue Reading >

5 Ways to Help your Child with Allergies

Have a child with allergies? Here are 9 Ways to help your child experience a smooth transition to school The thought of your little one starting school may seem daunting. It may feel like the last few years have whizzed… Continue Reading >

Eight vital skills children develop in early learning and care settings

Here are eight vital skills your child can develop in an early learning and care setting. Confidence Children build confidence when they are able to master new skills in a supportive environment at their own pace. In early learning and… Continue Reading >

Communication for Children with Intellectual Disability

Communication is an essential part of all of our lives, day to day. When a child also has a disability, this can at times have an impact on how they communicate with the people in their lives and in turn,… Continue Reading >

Developing Important Communication Skills

We know that we should speak to our kids and model good language. It is how they learn vocabulary and communicate. When toddlers don’t feel heard, they might turn their frustrations into a tantrum. Oh, the joys! As parents and… Continue Reading >

Some Tips for Mums……

1. Have some daily routines – Some mums find it helpful to have a checklist of what you need to do.  Others prepare the key things the night before…..  Getting out the school clothes, or making lunch early – its the small things… Continue Reading >

Communicating with confidence is the priority!

There are 1.2 million Australians with communication disability. Speech pathologists like Freeda Thong from Youthrive in Springfield work with these Australians to provide them with the confidence to communicate. “In Australia today, communication disability is largely invisible. Unseen and out-of-sight,”… Continue Reading >

The Separation Challenge

Life can be great. And love can be fantastic. But when things don’t work out…….it can be challenge. Especially if children are involved.  Things can be complex, complicated or amiable and smooth. There are many factors involved, and often there… Continue Reading >

Parenting – starts with communication 

Parenting is often formed by what we were shown in our childhood, how we were parented. Sometimes this changes dependent on the consciousness of that person to either stay in that paradigm or to completely change the course. Either way,… Continue Reading >