Signs your child isn’t getting enough sleep due to technology overuse

What are some signs that your child or adolescent isn’t getting enough sleep, perhaps through overusing technology? ● Depressed mood,(5) irritability during offline social interactions ● Hyperactivity at school (6) ● Reluctance/arguing about getting off phones/devices and going to bed… Continue Reading >

Too Busy to Read to your Child? Try these tricks

by Susan Taylor Reading aloud to children from a young age every day is so important for many reasons. Not only is it a great bonding experience, but it helps grow their language and communication skills, boosts imagination and creativity,… Continue Reading >

5 Ways to Establish a Positive Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher

It’s vital to develop a good relationship with your child’s teacher. Sure, your child is the one spending the most time with their teacher, so you may feel developing a relationship yourself is not all that important. However, it’s crucial… Continue Reading >

Craft Your Communication to Forge a Positive Family Culture

There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” The two young fish swim on for a bit,… Continue Reading >

Starting School

When parents are preparing their children to start school for the very first time, there are a few areas that parents can address to ensure: 1. That the children feel comfortable with a set of life skills which will allow… Continue Reading >

Invest in Gifts that Promote Activities to Enhance Children’s Physical and Intellectual Development

When you purchase gifts for your children why not think beyond entertainment to how the toys and equipment enhance their thinking and physical development? Babies learn through their senses Babies are explorers and they use all their senses to discover… Continue Reading >

How to Answer Kid’s Big Questions

by Dr Kirsten Hunter   We are our children’s mentors, their teachers about life and their champions in finding a way through life’s challenges. The big questions in life are going to come from your child’s lips to our… Continue Reading >

Imaging Your Identity

Your identity is who you are intrinsically and internally. It is the real you. Establishing, solidifying your identity involves two processes. First, you must know your core values and allow everything you do and say to emanate from these pillars… Continue Reading >

How to Best Deal with Conflict with Your Partner When You have a New Baby

Bringing a child into the world can be one of the most magical times in a couple’s life. While the joy and euphoria of expanding your family can be intoxicating, the harsh realities of raising a child can hit as… Continue Reading >

Preparing your Relationship for Parenthood

Preparing for parenthood can be both exciting and daunting. As expectant parents, we seek advice wherever possible about birth, feeding, sleeping, prams and car seats – but, what about our relationship? This new season of parenthood presents specific joys and… Continue Reading >