5 Easy STEM play ideas and experiments for pre-schoolers using household items

It’s the buzzword of the decade…but STEM learning is more than just that… The acronym (standing for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) is used to describe a way of thinking in a more connected and holistic way and encouraging knowledge… Continue Reading >

Bringing Baby home. Now what?

Those first few days when you get home after birth can seem the most daunting, bewildering but also a glorious time. When I brought my first child home, many years ago now…eek. I had no idea what I was meant… Continue Reading >

Communicating with confidence is the priority!

There are 1.2 million Australians with communication disability. Speech pathologists like Freeda Thong from Youthrive in Springfield work with these Australians to provide them with the confidence to communicate. “In Australia today, communication disability is largely invisible. Unseen and out-of-sight,”… Continue Reading >

Considering The Whole Family

Life is about being in relationship: with family, with children, with partner, with neighbours, with friends or with fellow workers. All of our interactions involve using our senses, communicating and reciprocating.  From the tiny baby and its parents, to the… Continue Reading >


  Boys are the men of our future, and we need them to be leaders, truthful and strong- not “poor me”. As women, we respect men who are caring and empathetic, even in touch with their feminine side, men who… Continue Reading >

Too early to walk?

Crawling is a hugely important milestone in a baby’s life as it indicates that your baby is developing well and that both sides of the brain are working and communicating together properly. Research shows that is it imperative that babies… Continue Reading >