Curious but not Critical: Strategies for Calm Parenting

By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist   It’s one of those mornings. Your six-year-old is still wandering around half-dressed after you’ve told him to get ready at least a dozen times. Your eight-year-old is dressed, but is glued to the TV… Continue Reading >

Surviving the 2-Year Sleep Regression: When Your Little One Turns into a Night Owl

Ah, the joys of parenting! Just when you thought you had mastered the art of getting your little angel to sleep through the night, along comes the dreaded 2-year sleep regression. You’ve finally regained some semblance of a normal sleep… Continue Reading >

Chaos to Calm: Be Curious but not Critical

You can feel it happening again. Despite your repeated, reasonable requests, your child is STILL not ready, and you need to leave for your appointment in five minutes or you’ll be late. The anger building inside you is about to… Continue Reading >

Third Time’s a Charm — How to Prepare for Baby Number Three

By Flicka Williams “GeeGee’s mum, how do babies get in your tummy?” On a sizzling 38 degree day in Sydney — I was already sweating. Seven months pregnant with my third child, I sat in front of 17 preschoolers, including… Continue Reading >

Flip flopping from Joy to Chaos and back again!

By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet   Have you noticed more Joy than Chaos lately or more Chaos than Joy? Perhaps your days are so busy and chaotic you didn’t notice the moments of Joy pop up! Joy is a… Continue Reading >

Preventing Burnout as a Mum

By Francesca Pinzone, COO and Co-Founder at Umbo Burnout, exhaustion, emotional extremes, feeling like you’re not coping or not good enough. I think these are all feelings and processes we go through as Mums.  It’s like an additional delivery to… Continue Reading >

Staying COOL through COVID-19

It’s been a pretty tough few months for Australians. We’ve had drought, fire, floods and now the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re certainly feeling it here at Teach Ted. Read on to hear what we are doing and download some fun activities… Continue Reading >

FAMILY SAFETY: What we learnt after having a HOUSE FIRE.  

One saved photo of a precious family memory – (camping along the Murray River.)   You might think that a house fire will never happen to your family. I hope it doesn’t! However, despite our best efforts to keep our… Continue Reading >