Our top tips for recovering from a Caesarean Section  

Recovering from having a Caesarean Section is a challenging experience for many mums. In any other circumstance, having a major abdominal surgery means adequate rest, sleep and time off work to recover. However, after a Caesarean it’s never that straight… Continue Reading >

Top Tip’s For Your Best Caesarean Section Recovery

So, statistically speaking, a large proportion of you reading this email having either had a Caesarean birth or will have one in the future.  And yet those of us who experience this type of birth are constantly surprised at how… Continue Reading >

When birth just doesn’t go to plan

Having a C-section or Caesarean Section Birth truly was never on my radar. Sure I was present at birth class when it was discussed but honestly I tuned out, I thought that I was going to be great at giving… Continue Reading >

Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC), Choices, challenges and truths.

By; Renee Adair   Since 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that a population caesarean section rate of 10–15% is expectable to ensure mortality rates are kept low for mothers and babies. In Australia today we have a… Continue Reading >

What Are The Benefits Compression Garments Provide for C-Section Recovery?

Media brought to you by SRC Health. Pregnancy is a period of considerable changes in a woman’s body. During this time, abdominal muscles are stretched to their limit. Ligaments and muscles that were stretched and strained during pregnancy require time… Continue Reading >

You’re doing a great job!!!!

Regardless of if you fell pregnant naturally, tried to get pregnant for years, used IVF, had help from a surrogate, adopted or are a single parent or step parent. Well done! You are doing a great job!   Regardless of… Continue Reading >