With holidays around the corner teachers everywhere are excited to breathe, relax and take a break. Reports are written, half of the year is gone and the second half is already planned out. It’s an exciting time. Holidays mean family… Continue Reading >
Wintertime, or the cold season, is usually associated with common colds, the flu, and other respiratory-related issues. This is not new for anyone. In fact, there is plenty of information and products such as vitamins, herbal remedies, and so on… Continue Reading >
By Dean Gladstone https://www.deanogladstone.com/powerofthebreath Functional Breathing is linked to better facial development in kids, proper breathing is improved aesthetics which are more functional. So the reverse is true also improper breathing is dysfunctional which affects facial development negatively. Functional Breathing… Continue Reading >
There’s no doubt that mum life can be stressful. Fighting kids, dinner to be made…every night, washing to do, phone calls to make, jobs to go to, parent teacher interviews to attend. Not to mention the worry over schoolyard bullying,… Continue Reading >
There’s so much uncertainty right now, it’s no wonder you may be feeling overwhelmed, helpless or fearful! It’s OK to feel these things, but you don’t have to be stuck like this. Our minds look for the negative. It’s a… Continue Reading >
It is widely accepted that adults experience a wide range of emotions when their relationship ends. They may become stressed, anxious, remorseful, angry, frustrated, upset, depressed… Often, people tend to forget that children also can become emotional as their family… Continue Reading >
Yesterday I saw a bit of a preachy post in a Facebook group aimed at pregnant women at large. The gist of the post was that all pregnant women must slow down. In the past week, this post-natal worker had… Continue Reading >
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