Disempower the Bully by Empowering the Child

Meditation is here to help each of us live easier. To free us from suffering. How? By showing us how to calm the mind and the body. By teaching us how to be more present, rather than worrying about the… Continue Reading >

How to get Your Child to Listen Without Shouting, Bribing or Giving In

At some point every parent is likely to struggle to get their child to listen to them. Do you ever feel like you have to constantly shout in order to get your message across, perhaps you have started offering treats… Continue Reading >

Why “I love you” is important to kids.

When I started to write this article, I thought it would be easy. Write an article about why saying I love you to children is so important. As a psychologist who works with children and adolescents, and a mum this… Continue Reading >

Teaching kids to be cool and calm

The idea of modelling good and appropriate behaviours to our kids is one that is close to my heart. As a clinical psychologist, I am increasingly dismayed by the rising levels of mental health issues in our beautiful country, and… Continue Reading >

Tips for Tackling Difficult Conversations

One of the toughest parts of being a parent is having to tackle difficult conversations. Let’s face it, no-one wants to deal with the challenging talks that seem to be an inevitable part of life.  Whether you’ve been called in… Continue Reading >

Here are some spiritual tips and advice for taking good care of your child’s emotional needs

Addressing a child’s emotional needs is of utmost importance for their overall well-being and healthy development. Children are not only vulnerable physically but also emotionally, and their emotional needs must be recognized and fulfilled to promote their mental and psychological… Continue Reading >

Why Do Babies Love to Drop Things?

Why do babies love dropping things? The simple answer is: they’re curious and they want to see what will happen. Will the object make a noise when it hits the ground? How far will it bounce? They’re also trying to… Continue Reading >

Stop Saying “No” To Get Your Child to Listen Better

Ever feel like you are stuck in an endless cycle of, no? “No Sammy, get down from there” “No Imogen put that down” “No hitting” “No, no, no, no, NO!” It is incredibly easy to get stuck in this loop,… Continue Reading >

What causes fussy eating? 

Before I had kids, I thought there was no way a child of mine was going to be a fussy eater.  Firstly, I love food – all food (well, almost!) – and secondly, I thought since I knew all about… Continue Reading >

5 Lessons for a tidier home, that even your toddler can understand

Maintaining a home that is tidy but functional is something everyone needs to be jointly invested in. If it is one person in charge it will become too big a task and it will likely not happen, more likely creating… Continue Reading >