We often hear people say, “the only ones who win in a divorce are the lawyers.” If you think about it in terms of money that’s true, as the average cost of family law litigation can be anywhere between $50,000… Continue Reading >
For lots of us, our families started growing when we brought home our first pet, long before the children arrived! Like all cohabiting beings pets and kids need to learn how to live together. Setting the ground rules of how… Continue Reading >
Behaving and treating others with politeness and respect is how one show good manners. Children will not know how to behave properly unless they have been treated the same. Parents will also need to teach and guide them on how… Continue Reading >
There are several reasons why women choose to have children later in life. Some desire to be financially and emotionally stable before bringing up a child. Others are ambitious, living their lives with purpose aiming to achieve and accomplish specific… Continue Reading >