When you first have a child, there are so many new things thrust upon parents…we must quickly become experts at car seat installation, bottle sterilization, nappy changing, rocking, burping, bathing (the baby that is, not you!) and for many of… Continue Reading >
The coronavirus lockdown has been challenging for everyone, but especially for parents. The unique mix of juggling changes to working life, increasing uncertainties and the pressures of home-schooling is no mean feat. New research from the Alcohol and Drug Foundation… Continue Reading >
By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au FB Bayside Dietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic Instagram @baysidedietetics I spotted him early. Just as he left the storeroom and the wide doors were closing behind him. He was wheeling a pallet of what… Continue Reading >
By Lael Stone In what should be the happiest time in a woman’s life, many pregnant women are reporting it’s a time of increased anxiety as they prepare to give birth during the Coronavirus pandemic. With pre-natal classes now… Continue Reading >
Did you know? It is estimated that 1 in 7 primary school-age children has a mental health difficulty, like anxiety, depression and behaviour problems, but only 1 in 4 gets the help they need. Certain risk factors present before 6 months… Continue Reading >
By Rebecca Micallef Having a baby is one of life’s most amazing gifts but it can also be a very stressful time to navigate. Many parents often have questions about the shape of their baby’s heads, and whether the head… Continue Reading >
As concerns about COVID-19 intensify, many parents are wondering how to talk to their children about the virus. Most children will be aware that something significant is happening and it’s natural for them to experience some anxiety. Here are some… Continue Reading >
While awaiting the due date of your baby, you’re bound to find yourself flipping between swings of anxiety and excitement. Looking up feeding and nursing chairs and cute baby clothes will grow to be a guilty pleasure of yours as… Continue Reading >
Meditation allows you to live in the moment, to calm yourself, to regulate your breathing, to help visualise your successes and to help you focus your attention on the “good” in your life. You can meditate anywhere at any time… Continue Reading >
The family is at the table, dinner is served and only Anxiety is being Fed! “Oh don’t be ridiculous, it’s only peas!”. Now dad is getting tired, “just eat your food, it is not going to kill you”. “Come on just… Continue Reading >
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