Face Your Fear – Anaphylaxis

Are you terrified of your child having a severe allergic reaction? Does it make you feel really emotional and has the thought of anaphylaxis kept you awake a night? For many parents this is how they feel about anaphylaxis and… Continue Reading >

A day at the beach with Eczema.

For most people “let’s go to the beach” means everyone put their cozies on, grab some towels and let’s go! But not for us. Allergies and anaphylaxis aside there is thought and strategic planning that goes into a “spontaneous” afternoon… Continue Reading >

Food Labels – When getting it wrong simply isn’t an option

Recently the government called for an inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis. From reading the submissions and listening to the public hearings in Melbourne and Sydney, one thing is very clear. Food labels need to be improved because getting it wrong… Continue Reading >

Not all Egg replacers are created equal

As any mum of a child with egg allergies or anaphylaxis knows not all egg replacers were created equal. A Chia seed “egg” is not great at allowing cakes to rise, but bicarb & vinegar is awesome. But then bicarb… Continue Reading >

I Never Thought Anaphylaxis Would Start Like This…

Our older son was 3 when he had his first anaphylactic reaction. It was terrifying. It was a delayed reaction – at least 2 hours later, and started with the tiniest of coughs. And then another couple of coughs after… Continue Reading >

Pregnant Mumma with allergies or anaphylaxis, this one’s for you…

It’s that time of the year again, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Awareness Week & last night on the news I saw a study looking into Allergies & Anaphylaxis in the pregnant mother. While I do love & welcome each & every… Continue Reading >

Allergy, Anaphylaxis & Intolerance Friendly Advent Calendars

I know it’s not December yet but as any Allergy, Anaphylaxis or intolerance parent knows we need to be prepared. Leave it too late & there will be no allergy friendly options left. So Today we are talking “allergy, anaphylaxis… Continue Reading >

Why I’m Grateful – Happy Tummies

My son Alex is 10 years old and was diagnosed with food allergies when he was 3 and eosinophillic oesophagitis when he was 4½. We were lucky we missed a trip to the emergency department following anaphylaxis, largely because Alex… Continue Reading >

What allergy & anaphylaxis parents want you to know

I didn’t start writing this article. I started writing a much different piece, asking you to please not be afraid to invite the kid with allergies & anaphylaxis to parties & sporting events. Explaining that us allergy parents have it… Continue Reading >