To the best mother – you!

Quite a few years ago I was listening to talk back radio on a long road trip to help keep me awake and alert. The radio announcer was talking about relationships between estranged parents and children and was inviting people… Continue Reading >

Recognising Stepmothers on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just one day of 365 days to recognise and acknowledge the role of all women and all female carers; mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, guardians, carers in their often unsung and unpaid roles as carers of Australian children.  Biology… Continue Reading >

Announcing: Kiddipedia’s Early Years Guide Inaugural Edition

Did you know that up to 95% of a child’s brain has developed by the age of 5 years? The Early Years of life set the foundations for lifelong health and well-being. During the early stage of life, toddlers’ and… Continue Reading >

Advice from a Midwife Mum: Birth and the fourth trimester

Looking for more information on the fourth trimester? Midwife and new mum Marie-Louise outlines what to expect after birth and during the fourth trimester.

Announcing: Christmas Gift Catalogue 2022 Edition

Oh the magic of Christmas, it really is the most wonderful time of the year. As the saying goes, Christmas isn’t a season, it is a feeling. The magic of Christmas is silent in the moments that are indescribable. It… Continue Reading >

Handling “Those Looks” When You Have Fussy Kids at Christmas Gatherings

As a parent with a fussy eater, you have no doubt been served up your fair share of common-wisdom-but-oh-so-wrong advice when it comes to managing your child’s fussy eating behaviour. And as I have written about here for Kiddipedia previously,… Continue Reading >

Strategies to stay sane with a newborn

No matter how exciting it is to be a parent the constant care of a newborn can absolutely drain you. The addition of a new baby to the family can be a huge adjustment for everyone. A whole day can… Continue Reading >

Announcing: Kiddipedia’s Newborn Guide 2022 Edition

What could be more beautiful than bringing a new life into the world? It is undoubtedly incomparable and unparalleled with anything else. From a baby’s first heartbeat to the moment you hold your newborn in your hands, the journey to… Continue Reading >

10 Steps To Develop Great Learners

When grandchildren came along, Granddad offered excellent advice to his son about the beauties, wisdom, and fun of parenting. Son, in exasperation, said – surely Dad there is research on parenting not just your experiences and edited opinions. This led… Continue Reading >

What to get the environmentally-conscious new mum: advice for sustainable gifting

Media kindly brought to you by On Chic Baby Clothes   If yourself and/or a friend has a passion for sustainability, you’ll know that it cannot be discounted as a passing fad, but rather, a lifestyle commitment. One that will… Continue Reading >