Ways on Making Realistic Resolutions and Keeping Them

As we all know, 1st of January is all about new beginnings, a time to start something new, change something for the better or stop something not beneficial to yourself. We often make use the start of the year the… Continue Reading >

Shining in the strength of her sudden life as a single parent

A compelling journey of loss and a new reality by author Suzanne Duncan   For some, cancer might be the inevitable, and for those left behind years of inability to cope, to move forward or to manage a new role as… Continue Reading >

How a single Mum left broke from divorce built her own home for just $13,000

The Australian Dream or Great Australian Dream is a belief that in Australia, home-ownership can lead to a better life and is an expression of success and security. Despite the fact, the real estate market has cooled, and prices have… Continue Reading >

The Secrets of How to Raise a Confident Child You Probably Don’t Know

Confidence is a very important trait in children as it helps them to overcome their weaknesses and embrace their strengths to improve their lives. However, confidence in children does not always come about naturally. That’s why parents should work on… Continue Reading >

Introducing Michael Ray: an extraordinary single father.

(Also a useful websites for dads – Kiddipedia)   Once in a blue moon, a special someone crosses our path, without knowing they present as a teacher in our lives showing us how we can be better people.  Often enough… Continue Reading >