

Throughout this pandemic how have you taken care of yourself? After being kept indoors for so long, if you were to honestly rate your tiredness on a score of 1 to 10 (10 being total exhaustion) where would you be?

As lovely as the stay at home era is, it’s been exhausting.

Despite that life, before COVID-19 was busy and tiring enough, the lockdown has somehow managed to put an extra layer of stress on top of our already busy lives. This left many parents feeling burnt out which is not good for anyone.

So how can we prevent burnout? We welcome our special guest, Francesca Pinzone to talk with us on this topic.

Francesca Pinzone is a busy mum of 3 young children and is the Co-Founder and COO of Umbo, a social enterprise that addresses one of Australia’s biggest hidden problems which is access to speech and occupational therapy in regional Australia.

With over 12 years of experience working in non-profit organisations overseas in Pakistan, UNICEF in India and Can Teen in Australia, she currently teaches at the University of New South Wale with the “Centre for Social Impact”


We ask Francesca questions including:

  1. Do you think the fatigue and tiredness parents are feeling is mental exhaustion caused by stress and anxiety?
  2. Why is it important parents keep tabs on their energy levels and ensure they keep replenishing them?
  3. In the article, you list things you do to ensure we maintain some level of control, could you go through them with us?
  4. As a Co-Founder and COO of a social enterprise, university lecturer and mother of three, how are you currently prioritising your time and managing the various responsibilities in your life during the pandemic?
  5. You, like a lot of mums at the moment, had a lot on your plate before the pandemic, and now there’s homeschooling, working from home and so much more. How are you managing your mental health during this time?
  6. How do you know when you’re close to burnout and for others thinking they’re going through burnout or can see it’s not far away, what’s your advice to them?
  7. Why do you think parents leave it till it’s too late to realise we’re burnt out?
  8. Being optimistic about the future and having things to look forward to by planning ahead and setting goals for things to achieve in after lockdown can also help put us into a positive state of mind, reduce anxiety, illness and reduce fatigue. What are your thoughts on this?


For Francesa’s full article please visit:


For more information on Umbo and  Francesca:


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