


I think we all agree how important it is for children to open their minds and invest time in reading. Also, that their reading skills contributes to their success in school and in work later on in life.

As much as we live in a digitally driven world, and will only continue to, we should never stop encouraging children to read more often.

To talk to us about the benefits of children reading, and how you can encourage your child to have a lifelong love of books, we welcome our special guest Katie Moore, founder of Luxuread.


We ask Katie questions including:

  1. What are the advantages of children reading?
  2. What tips do you have to help children find books they like to read?
  3. Why do you believe it is so important to instil a love of books for children in this digital age?
  4. How can parents entice children to read?
  5. How can parents make reading more fun for their children?
  6. Do you have any age appropriate tips to help children get excited about reading?


For Katie’s full article, please visit:


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