Have you ever heard the saying, that thoughts become things? It is true because they are things.
Everything we think causes motion and activity. Our thoughts are the frequency of energy that we sent out to the universe as to what we want or don’t want. This frequency of energy spirals back to us giving us what we have sent out and asked for.
Have you ever noticed the more you focus on something, the more you receive it?
Our thoughts have tremendous power as they shape our vision, outlook on life and perspective and how we choose to see the world around us.
What is imprinted in our subconscious mind becomes our reality?
So how can we influence our reality? It’s simple we control our thoughts.
One way to do this is through the daily activities of manifestation through vision boards.
Vision boards are a wonderful way to conquer negative thoughts by the daily practice of positive ones, focusing on the things you want to bring into your life ie dream job, material items like a new phone, clothes
To discuss this today we are joined our guest Suzanne Robinson from Mummy to Twins Plus One.
We discuss topics including
- Why would you make a vision board?
- How can it help you focus your goals and intentions/wishes?
- Do vision boards work? Some say no and others swear by them.
- How do you create a vision board?
For Suzanne’s full article go to https://kiddipedia.com.au/create-an-online-vision-board/
Suzanne’s website: http://mummytotwinsplusone.com/