Hot summer days call for fun new activities I say!
If it’s too hot to be outside all day here’s a fun activity to fill a lazy summer afternoon that will fill their bellies with nutritious fruit and get their minds working getting ready to start a new year.
The age group for the activities range from Toddlers, Pre-Schoolers to children in primary school. Naturally, the questions and goals you’ll ask each child will vary dependant on their age.
Fruit Salad, of course, could include your choice of:
- Apples
- Oranges
- Pears
- Grapes
- Watermelon
- Cantaloupe / Rockmelon
- Pineapple
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
- Mangos
- Kiwi
- Apricots
Cut fruit into small pieces and place in a large bowl
Place leftover fruit into an airtight container in the fridge for later.
You’ll also need:
- Paper
- Pens
- Clock
- Coins
Money awareness through Imaginary play:

Teaching money awareness through imaginary play
Before you start, give each child coins so they can ‘buy’ the fruit and will allow for you give correct change.
Before you cut up the fruit pretend you’re in a fruit shop
Make price cards for each piece of fruit
Practice buying and selling fruit
Giving exact change too
Once the fruit salad has been cut up pretend you’re in a cafe and one of you are placing an order from the menu, once again practising buying and selling fruit giving exact change.
Where did the fruit grow from?
Maybe talk through how the types of fruit grew
- Fruits that grow on a tree
i.e Apples
- Fruits that grow on a bush:
i.e. Strawberry
- Fruits that grow on a vine:
i.e Watermelon
Cantaloupe / Rockmelon

Teaching math can be fun!
Makeup problems:
Write on a piece of paper sequences then ask them to translate the phrase numerically (and or visa versa)
Three pieces of banana minus to two oranges equal one piece of fruit
Five pieces of apple plus three grapes equals 8 pieces of fruit
Then ask them to write the number sequence numerically
2+3= 5
Fruit with fractions:
When cutting fruit into pieces talk through fractions and what it means when slicing the orange in half, quarters etc
Grouping Colours: (for younger children)
Serve a bowl of fruit salad to each child and ask your child to place similar pieces into groups.
Time: (for older children)
Take note of what the time is when you start this activity, help them understand how to tell the time. Using an analogue clock is best for this if you have one in the kitchen.
At the end of the activity ask them what the time is and help them understand how long you took to complete this.

Get the Kids to Write names of the Fruits for PracticeFruit
For toddlers and preschoolers write the name of each piece of fruit onto a piece of paper and ask them to match the two together to help them learn the words for each piece of fruit.
For older children ask them to spell the name of each piece of within the fruit salad.
And of course, sit and enjoy eating a refreshing bowl of fruit salad!
Here’s one for you,
un scramble these letters to make a perfect fruit salad:
EPAPL ………………………………..
GOERNA ………………………………..
PASRGE ………………………………..
NANBAAB ………………………………..
RAEP ………………………………..
YLBRUEBER ………………………………..
WBTRYREASR ………………………………..
GONAM ………………………………..
HEAPC ………………………………..
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