Smoke from the bushfires is seriously affecting air quality right across Australia at present. Even those not close to any actual fires are having periods of poor air quality and increased smoke inhalation.
Babies and young children are at particular risk of irritation due to their small developing airways and the fact that compared to adults, they breathe more air relative to their body weight. Therefore, they are actually inhaling larger quantities of polluted air.
The fine smoke particles can get deep into the lungs and create inflammation, for most, this will be temporary and will settle after the smoke clears.
Signs and symptoms of smoke inhalation (dependant on severity of smoke):
- coughing
- sore throat
- headaches
- shortness of breath
- burning eyes
- sinus irritation
- dizziness
- runny nose
Depending on the level of smoke in the air, young babies may not want to feed, breast or bottle if they have a sore throat. Try by offering feeds often and watch for signs of dehydration, seek medical help if required.
Tips for families in bushfire smoke:
- Be informed of air quality via news or online/apps (see below).
- Stay indoors as much as possible.
- Keep windows and doors closed as much as possible.
- Seal around doors with towels/blankets to reduce smoke getting inside.
- When air quality is improved outside, air out your house.
- Consider evacuating if air quality is poor.
- Keep activity levels low, no exercising as this increases respiratory effort.
- Watch your child for signs of laboured breathing such as wheezing and coughing.
- Older children may complain about sore eyes or throat
- If it’s hot, air conditioning should recirculate inside air only.
- Visit a public place such as a shopping centre or library.
- In the car keep air vents closed
P2 face masks can help adults but aren’t designed to fit infants or young children, and dust and surgical masks don’t protect against smoke particles.
Air purifiers are something to consider, make sure they have a high efficiency particle air (HEPA) filter as this can remove the very tiny smoke particles from the air. Most are portable and can be moved around the home as required, you may use them in children’s bedrooms overnight. The model needs to suit the room size you are using it in. Humidifiers do not protect against smoke.
Consider visiting relatives or friends in another town where the air is clearer for a few days, this is not an option for everyone.
For those children diagnosed with asthma or other chronic conditions, it may be worth seeing your GP or Paediatrician to discuss this further. Continue all prescribed medications as directed.
If you are concerned about your baby or child’s breathing, you should go directly to your nearest emergency department or call 000 for immediate advice and ambulance transport.
Air quality can take many days to improve after fires are out so regularly checking air quality is helpful.
Monitor Local Air Quality:
South Australia:
Northern Territory:
Western Australia: