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Sally Gillespie

Sally Gillespie

Sally is a writer and lecturer in the fields of ecopsychology and climate psychology. She gained her PhD at Western Sydney University, researching the psychological experience of engaging with climate issues. She then wrote her book Climate Crisis and Consciousness: Reimagining our world and ourselves (Routledge) to make what she learnt accessible to the general public. What Sally has to say is supportive and encouraging, both in relation to learning how to navigate the emotional ups and downs of climate change awareness as well as developing a greater attunement with our natural world.

A former Jungian psychotherapist, Sally is a co-founder of the Climate Wellbeing Network and a member of Psychology for a Safe Climate and the Climate Psychology Alliance UK. Sally has published, lectured and presented workshops, nationally and internationally, on climate psychology and ecopsychology since 2008 in both the public and private sectors.

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Playgroups for Climate Action

Sally Gillespie   For many, becoming a parent can arouse powerful emotions about the future that lies ahead for their child in a rapidly heating world. Yet very often this deep concern is not what gets discussed in mother’s group… Continue Reading >

The Vitality of Outdoor Education

by Dr Sally Gillespie   If we want our children to thrive through their education there is no better activity to do than take children out of the constraints of stuffy cramped classrooms into the natural world. Outdoor learning provides… Continue Reading >

Nature Connected Kids

Young children have an affinity for our natural world, relishing the company of animals, birds, trees, rocks, shells and places as their special companions and friends. Getting to know our world through encounters with tadpoles, wind, rock pools, caves, ants,… Continue Reading >

Loving our Earth Well

Cherishing Earth’s beauty is perhaps the greatest healing we can bring to our world and ourselves. There is so much to marvel about as we learn more about the intricacies of our world’s ecosystems, and so much to love. Both… Continue Reading >

Celebrating Earth at Christmas

Sally Gillespie   Every moment of our lives and our children’s lives are gifted to us by Earth. For many thousands of years traditional cultures have had seasonal celebrations to give thanks to Earth, never forgetting that our lives depend… Continue Reading >

The Magic of Childhood Haunts

Did you have a childhood haunt? A place to play, imagine, dream and adventure in on your own terms as a child. Looking back I realise I had a number of them. The dappled shade in our garden between the… Continue Reading >

An Earth Loving Christmas

Sally Gillespie   Here in Australia, Christmas follows the Summer Solstice. It is a time when days are at their longest and nights are at their shortest. Traditionally Summer Solstice is associated with a transition from action to nourishment. One… Continue Reading >

Ecological Crisis: Being Part of the Change

We are in a time of ecological crisis. Floods, megafires and heatwaves are daily news. The latest State of the Environment Report for Australia shows that at least 19 ecosystems are in collapse or near collapse and that Australia has… Continue Reading >

Strengthening Local Communities

One of the most important lessons of recent years is the value of community. When disasters strike, whether they be bushfires, floods or pandemics, often the most heartfelt and sustained support comes from the people who live around us, whether… Continue Reading >

Voting for Your Children’s Lives

by Dr Sally Gillespie   In a democracy, voting always matters. But the upcoming Australian Federal election has a special urgency as the window for effective climate action is now very narrow indeed. The climate wake up calls are coming… Continue Reading >

Regeneration: Healing Our World Together

The latest IPCC climate report warns of the increasing risks of ecological disasters and losses. In Australia, we are already experiencing intensifying droughts, heatwaves, bushfires, storms and flood. The common threads lying behind these disasters is human destructions of our… Continue Reading >

Community Energy Coming Your Way

Sally Gillespie   Are you one of the 75 % of Australians who want to see Australia make the transition to renewable energy? If the answer is yes then you might want to consider the role community energy can play… Continue Reading >

How Young People Feel About the Climate Crisis

Sally Gillespie, PhD   When researchers recently surveyed 10,000 young people between the ages of 16-25 years from ten countries, they were not surprised to hear how anxious the majority of them felt about climate change. Their findings add to… Continue Reading >

Protecting your family from climate disruption

The latest IPCC Report: Protecting your family from climate disruption.   Chances are you might not have had time to catch up with the latest IPCC report, especially if you are also contending with lockdowns. This report is issued every… Continue Reading >

Consuming Less, Enjoying More

I am writing this piece in the midst of a lockdown in Sydney. It’s not going well, numbers are rising, not falling. One of the reasons is that most shops are still open, and people are flocking to them in… Continue Reading >

Kinder Garden

One sunny morning in my community garden a few weeks back, I looked up from my weeding to the delightful sight of a gaggle of preschool kids with parents and teachers flocking in through the gates. Each child was carrying… Continue Reading >

Green Cities are Cool Cities

Global temperatures are rising. And nowhere is this felt more than in cities and suburbs where landscapes can be anywhere up to 10 degrees hotter than nearby rural or coastal areas. This ‘heat island’ effect in urban areas is caused… Continue Reading >

A Groundswell for Climate Action

Sally Gillespie While I do not live in a bushfire region, I frequently travel to the South Coast of NSW where the trauma of last year’s bushfires is palpable. As it is in numerous other places in Australia. Contributing to… Continue Reading >

Healing Minds through Gardening

Whenever I feel down or stressed I have learnt to head straight into the garden. Putting my hands in soil, watching the bees harvest pollen from lavender flowers, picking spinach for dinner all act as remarkable antidotes to the wear… Continue Reading >

We need to talk about the climate crisis

As ice melt increases and bush fires rage, it is more vital than ever that we talk about the looming global climate crisis. We cannot act unless we talk and we cannot talk unless we learn to recognise and acknowledge… Continue Reading >

Engaging with Ecological Issues Healthily

Staying engaged with climate and ecological issues can be challenging, given the seriousness and escalating nature of ecological catastrophes and the inadequate responses of Governments, here and overseas. Here is what we can do to develop the inspiration, stamina and… Continue Reading >

Outdoor Education: The School for Life

One of the blessings of my current life is that I live opposite a park. Generally my inner city park is busy in the weekends with children’s birthday parties, but quiet during weekdays, apart from the toddler playground. However during… Continue Reading >

Creating a Safer and More Beautiful Future

2020 so far has been a year of shocks for Australia, starting with devastating droughts and bushfires, followed by storms and floods, and now a global pandemic. My calendar says it’s May but it feels more like the end of… Continue Reading >

Loving children loving nature

Young children start life with an affinity for our natural world, instinctively seeking out the company of animals, birds, trees, rocks, shells and places as their special companions and friends. Physically experiencing our world, through encounters with tadpoles, wind, rock… Continue Reading >



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