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Meditate with Friends

Meditate with Friends

As a qualified Early Childhood Educator and Kids Yoga Teacher, Alysse Di Natale has spent her career educating and supporting the well-being of young people. She has worked directly with kids for over 15 years and gained incredible insight into their needs. She is renowned for her ability to listen and connect with children and over the last 6 years, has also been teaching 'Young Yoga'. These experiences inspired Alysse to create 'Meditate with Friends' (MWF), to address the increasing need and desire of kids for quiet and stillness in their surprisingly demanding day. "They always asked for more meditation and said how calm & happy it made them feel."

When kids experience leadership amazing things happen. When Alysse taught preschool and facilitated school Yoga, she observed kids' moods improved, even more, when they were offered opportunities to lead. "Leadership created a sense of responsibility and purpose. Their levels of self-confidence and self-expression increased. They were also happier, focused, and more compassionate towards their peers."
Voiced BY Children FOR Children

'MWF' is the first app of its kind. It provides carefully scripted and guided playlists and meditations for children, all voiced by children. MWFs mission is to reduce stress, connect families more meaningfully and build resilience and confidence in young people. Mindfulness and meditation provide us all with a chance to become more self-aware, including kids. And now, more than ever, it's important we pay attention to the mental well-being of our youth. When kids are guided to pause daily and notice how they truly feel, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, the outcomes can be life-changing. As children become more aware of what makes them happy intuitively, they experience increased self-confidence, self-awareness, and compassion. They create a life where they can flourish, from a place of self-love rather than external validation.



Disempower the Bully by Empowering the Child

Meditation is here to help each of us live easier. To free us from suffering. How? By showing us how to calm the mind and the body. By teaching us how to be more present, rather than worrying about the… Continue Reading >

Four Simple Steps to Introduce Meditation and Mindfulness into your Child’s Regular Routine.

Meditation is a great way to improve both our mental and physical health. It’s a positive way of giving the body and the mind a well deserved rest too. But it’s benefits are not just for adults – children can… Continue Reading >



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