

In today’s world, people have a lot of competing priorities. Careers, personal goals, finances and a range of things they want to do before settling down. The Australian Institute of Family Studies reports that the age for starting a family is on the rise, however, it’s still a major goal for many Australians.

Becoming parents is a big step, and aside from the first task of finding your special someone to start a family with, there are a few other things you should consider before taking that next step.

Consider your finances

When you decide you’d like to start a family, it seems a little rough to weigh up financial matters first. However, it’s a harsh reality of life. Almost 9 in 10 Australians admit they’re concerned about daily expenses and the rising cost of living. Keeping up with household bills and expenses is hard enough already, without adding another human to the mix.

Raising a child isn’t a cheap exercise, and the cost is going to be with you for a long time. Firstly, you’ll have the medical costs associated with the birth. Then you’ll need to consider an increase in daily expenses, such as food, nappies and everything else a child needs. In future, there’s school, child care, activities.

It certainly shouldn’t turn you off the idea of starting a family, but you’ll need to think about finances. Planning how you’ll manage those extra expenses is all part of giving your child a happy home.

Is the time right for both of you?

People travel through life at different speeds. What’s right for one person may not be right for the other, so you really need to consider where you’re at in your own life. Are you satisfied with your career? Have you done all the travelling you want to? Becoming a parent is a wonderful thing, but the reality is that it can have an impact on other parts of your life.

Careers are a big consideration. For example, have you established your career to the extent that you can take maternity/paternity leave and re-enter the workforce easily? Job security is the other factor. If you’re a casual worker, you may not even be entitled to family leave.

If you’re an adventurous soul, you’ll also need to get that travel bug out of your system, because it becomes a lot more difficult once you start a family. As parents, it’s important you’re both on the same page, so make sure you’re having open and honest discussions about whether it’s the right time. 

Are you ready for your life to change?

Having a child presents a big change in life. Starting a family is definitely a great change and one that most people cherish, however it’s still a change you need to be ready for. When considering if you’re ready to become parents, ask yourself honestly if you’re ready for life to change.

Most people can handle the lack of sleep and having no time to themselves, but there are even bigger things to consider. Is your home set up for an extra human? Are you ready for your busy social life to take a hit in favour of nights in with your new family member?

Humans are very adaptable creatures, but when deciding if the time is right to become parents, it’s best to look at every possible angle to make sure you’re truly ready.

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