If you’re a busy parent, you know how hard it can be to manage your time. Especially when you have multiple kids, who each have their own schedule, it can feel like you’re just constantly running from one thing to the next.
But we’ve got some good news for you: there are plenty of ways to optimize your time so that all your responsibilities and obligations get taken care of.
Here are my top five tips for better time management as a busy parent:
Create a Schedule and Stick to It!
First thing in the morning I write down everything that needs to be accomplished that day or week. After writing down everything that needs doing, I prioritize those tasks. What absolutely must be done today? What can wait until tomorrow? What can be delegated? I try not to procrastinate because that usually leads to disaster. I then add these tasks to my calendar in time slots. This way I know when I should be doing certain tasks.
Plan Ahead When You Can
If you can plan for the whole week you will be amazed at how much time you can find for things. If you know of tasks that need to be done plan them and you will be surprised how easy it will be to implement them.
Take Advantage of Apps and Technology
There are so many apps for time management. I suggest that you try a few to see which one suits your needs.
Don’t Burn Yourself Out.
Don’t be afraid to say no: if there’s something on your list that’s not really important, consider just dropping it. Chances are, someone else is happy to help with that task anyway.
Let Go of Perfectionism
When we start mapping out our time, we have to be realistic about what we can actually get done in a day. If something feels overwhelming, break it down into small steps that you know you can complete. This way, when we look at our schedules and plans for the day, we can feel confident knowing there is a good chance we’ll be able to accomplish everything we set out to do—and maybe even be able to enjoy our downtime, too!
The most important factor is that you find what works for you. It may take a bit of trial and error, but once you find a tool or a method that works for you, stick to it and use it. In a short space of time you will start seeing results.