I don’t know about you, but I’ve always viewed, and felt, that our homes are the one place on the planet that is our personal haven, our sanctuary, and safe place. I’ve always seen the four walls and roof that protect us as more than shelter, I see them as a fortress and protection from whatever is going on in the outside world.
So as parents and carers, it’s our responsibility to ensure the environment within our four walls is as safe as possible for our children to live in. This is considerably more relevant, and of paramount importance, as we need to stay home to stay safe during ongoing COVID lockdowns.
Did you know that the most common location where childhood injuries occur is at home?
So how can we ensure that we keep our children safe? Our special guest Jason Chambers, General Manager of Kidsafe Victoria is here to explain how. Whom we are honored to be in partnership with.
We ask Jason questions including:
- Why is child accident prevention so important for parents to be aware of in the home?
- Typically, is there a pattern in the type of demographic or geographic’s spread of families that experience injuries in the home, and or is the probability of injuries occurring in the home not classified to any group and can happen to anyone if they are not aware of the risks?
- I understand that over 150 Australian children die each year from preventable injuries and a further 68,000 are hospitalised. These are very high numbers for a first world country don’t you think?
- Have you seen an increase in child household injuries as a result of families being home more in lockdown?
- Tell us about Kidsafe and what your not for profit organisation does in the community?
- Typically what are some of the more common injuries children experience in the home? In your article you list your top 6 tips to help families’ safe, would you please go through them with us now?
- Why is it so important that parents and carers take steps to look around their homes for potential child injury hazards – particularly in colder months?
- What are the key hazards we should look out for?
For the full article: https://kiddipedia.com.au/winter-safety-heading-into-spring-at-home/
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