When I say the words Essential Oils, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
You may think of aromatherapy and nice smelling oils that fill your house and make it smell beautiful and or think of Essential Oils as an alternative therapy to help relieve the symptom of stress but infact essential oils have many more uses than this and are known to be effective in treating common health problems.
This can be known as an alternative form of medicine, as a high-quality natural product to aid and assist health and well-being, which of course is a personal choice for you to use or not use.
Until now did you know essential oils can be used in and around the home with a wide range of uses? I didn’t until now and are looking forward to learning more about this today with our special guest Melissa Raymond.
Melissa is a physiotherapist and has a strong passion for seeking out natural and evidenced-based health options for her family
After completing her PdD she now uses her research skills to help her dive deeper into the evidence into all things eczema, allergies, food intolerances and gut health.
She helps parents of children with eczema, allergies and food intolerances with evidence-based approaches so their child can finally feel comfortable physically and emotionally and the entire family can start living their life again
We ask Melanie questions including:
- What are essential oils?
- How can we use essential oils to help our children?
- You list 6 Essential Oils in the article, can you talk through each of them and how you suggest we can use them?
- What are your top tips for using essential oils?
- What are your suggestions for the best oils to start with for a family?
- Can essential oils cause any harm?
- How do people know how to choose the right essential oil?
- We mentioned before that there is a list of essential oils that women who are pregnant should avoid, and that is very important.
- However there are essential oils that are safe for pregnancy, they can help with a few ailments, what are they?
For Melissa’s full article please go to:
For more information please go to: