The cold and flu season is just around the corner, which is usually a challenging time for all parents with young kids but bare in mind the challenges that parents of twins have during this time.
The reality is that there are double the chances of catching a cold, flu and other tummy bugs with equally the same about of chances that as soon as one of your twins has it, so will the other.
Having one sick child is distressing, but being a parent with two sick kids would be a lot more agonising and feel a bit more chaotic.
Raising twins presents its own set of challenges that only another multiple birth parent can understand. So if there is an opportunity of stopping the spread of germs between children chances are a parent of twins or triplets would have the know-how.
Lucky for us today we are speaking with our special guest, Noami Dorland, Founder of Twinfo, who will share her survival strategies to help stop the spread of germs between twins and triplets.
We ask Naomi questions including:
- How can you minimise twins or triplets catching each other’s germs?
- What about if they share a cot or a room?
- Any other tips on how to help keep everyone healthy?
For Naomi’s full article please go to:
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