There’s no doubt that kids are like sponges, they sense and feel what is going on around them.
We can certainly shield them from the news on TV, but we can’t always hide their eyes or ears to the information they hear during conversations at home, possibly something they may see on online, or the anxiety they pick up from us, the adults in their life.
So, as a means of protecting them, if you haven’t openly addressed the details and issues we are all encountering with COVID-19, they would no doubt be aware of some change the world has gone and is going through.
In cases like this we need to consider going towards the fear because lets face it, wouldn’t you rather your kids hear it from you than from somewhere else? At least this way you can ensure they have heard the right information and delivered in the tone and manner you want.
So how do you talk to your kids when you’re feeling the emotions too?
Lucky for us we are joined by our special guest Donna Cameron.
For the last 15 years, Donna has been working as a qualified Psychologist at The Couch Therapy with children, adolescents, adults and couples.
We ask Donna questions including
- What is the best way to answer questions about the coronavirus to our children?
- How can we reduce their fears about the coronavirus?
- What is the best advice for talking to children about their grandparents or older relatives that they are not able to see at the moment?
For Donna’s full article please go to:
For more information on Donna, please go to: