6 Ways to Be a Great Parent While Still Advancing Your Professional Career

Navigating the dual roles of being a committed parent and a successful professional can seem daunting. Yet, there’s a path to harmonizing these aspects of life and excelling in both arenas. By integrating strategic planning and prioritizing what truly matters,… Continue Reading >

Women at Risk of Being Overlooked for Promotions

Workers especially women will be at risk of being overlooked for promotions and career opportunities if they keep working from home! A business lobbyist has warned that women will suffer if remote work continues and urges a return to the… Continue Reading >

Life Leadership with DoctorZed

Dr. Scott Zarcinas is a medical doctor, author of 8 books, and transformologist. He helps pro-active people lift the mind fog to get clarity of the path ahead and build the confidence to live the life you want, the way… Continue Reading >

How to work from home effectively

With many businesses now encouraging or mandating that employees work from home amid global health concerns over the COVID-19 virus, millions of people can expect to have their daily and work styles impacted. If you aren’t accustomed to working from… Continue Reading >