Simple tips support your families immune system this Winter

Welcome to Winter! It’s time for knitted beanies, layers of warm clothes, and a cup of warm soup on a rainy day. Winter can be a magical time, BUT this time of year also means it’s time for the cold… Continue Reading >

Should I be eating for 3 when pregnant with twins?

If you’re reading this, I am guessing you are pregnant with twins! Congratulations! While this is a super exciting time, you may also be feeling a little overwhelmed and wondering ‘what should I be eating when pregnant with twins?’ Well,… Continue Reading >

Can a nutrient save your life during Covid?

By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics or Facebook page Bayside Dietetics   This will be short and sweet because I don’t want to dilute the point. Since early days with Covid-19 there has been suspicion around a certain nutrient… Continue Reading >

Should you be avoiding fish during pregnancy?

There is a common misconception that fish should be avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of mercury and listeria toxicity. While these are a risk, you don’t need to avoid them altogether. You just need to know which fish… Continue Reading >