Newborn Nappy Rash: Causes, Prevention & Expert Treatment Tips

👶 Nappy rash? We’ve got you covered! 💡
Your little one’s skin is delicate, and nappy rash can be tough to deal with. But don’t worry—we’re here to help! 😊

With expert advice from dermatologists 👩‍⚕️, we break down:
🍼 What causes nappy rash
🛡️ How to prevent it
🌿 The best ways to soothe your baby’s sensitive skin

Because a happy baby 👶 means a happy you! 💕

📖 Read the full guide now!

👶 Media kindly brought to you by WaterWipes.

Eczema and Mental Health

Australia has some of the highest percentages of eczema in the world with 10-15 per cent of the population affected. This percentage includes 1 in 3 children, many of which grow out of it in time but sadly 10 per… Continue Reading >

Newborn Baby Hives: Prevention, Causes & Treatment

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Head Lice and Nits: Tips & Tricks

Dr Lexi Frydenberg General Paediatrician Instagram:@drlexifry Website:   Has your child just started back at childcare/school and come home itching their head?  Have you been told there is an outbreak of head lice at your child’s school or childcare… Continue Reading >

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Newborn Baby Nappy Rash Tips: How to treat & prevent nappy rash & causes of nappy rash

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Knee Pain in Children

Overuse and single trauma injuries are 2 of the most common causes of knee pain in children. But they also happen very differently. Overuse, as the name suggests, happens when your kid uses his/her knees too much. On the other… Continue Reading >

Worried about being labelled a bad mum for having PND? There’s no need!

On the floor sits the mum who is feeling constantly sad and cries for no reason. She’s always tired and has no energy, even when her baby is sleeping well. She’s lost interest in the things that used to make… Continue Reading >