Expert Advice for Teaching your Child at Home

With uncertainty around how governments and schools are going to respond to Covid-19, many Australian parents are looking for help with preparing for a homeschooling or remote learning scenario. Experienced educator and Chief Learning Officer at Cluey Learning, Dr. Selina… Continue Reading >

Class Size and Teacher Quality

One of the most emotional topics when it comes to primary school education is class size. Some parents are often concerned about the size of the class and the impact that the number of children will have on their own… Continue Reading >

Helping Educational Communities Easily Track and Manage Student’s Wellbeing

With the new school year in full swing, the impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown have not been forgotten and has propelled a need for improved understanding and management of mental wellbeing for students. The effects of lockdown have brought a… Continue Reading >

To Repeat your child…… or not?

As a second half of the year arises teachers continue evaluating children’s progress and it is not uncommon that during parent teacher interviews for child’s readiness to take on the next year’s curriculum may arise. Invariably   this leads to the… Continue Reading >

Why some kids unexpectedly thrived in online learning

Do you remember being a teenager and the genuine stress and anxiety that came with the return of your class photos from the school photographer? You’d perhaps forgotten those awkward snaps even being taken.  After all, anything that’s happened more… Continue Reading >

Your Baby’s First Teacher – Yes You!!

Written by Dr Tessa Grigg and Bindy Cummings   When your beautiful baby came into the world we are sure you were not thinking about your new role as a teacher. But that is, in fact, what every parent is:… Continue Reading >

Be the best teacher you can be

Written by Dr Tessa Grigg and Bindy Cummings   Teacher training for parents is not something we spend time thinking about when we have a little new baby and sleep deprivation is a feature of our new world. However, as… Continue Reading >

Children are your greatest teachers

What just happened? You’ve just entered a whole new world. A world which you know something and at the same time, nothing, about. All because you’ve just become a parent. You had it all figured in your head before you… Continue Reading >

How classroom learning has changed because of COVID and how teachers will be evolving lessons moving forward.

The unprecedented times of COVID-19 have brought about many restrictions and strict rules for living and interacting with others. It has impacted everyone in many ways and changed the traditional methods of classroom learning. Nobody saw COVID coming and no… Continue Reading >

Homeschooling Tips From A Primary School Principal | Andrew Oberthur | Ep 14

As many of us are aware, in most states and territories it has been on the advice of the chief health officer, during this period of the pandemic, with the view to save lives, that if a child is able… Continue Reading >