It’s not just monkey business. Why yoga and meditation for children is important!

Just like adults, Children can suffer from different stresses in their lives. Starting kinder, starting primary or high school, moving home, changes to family situations and more. One way we can help children to cope with situations of stress, as… Continue Reading >

What the Heck is ‘Fitness’ Anyway?

If I were to ask you “what is ‘fitness’”, how would you respond? In your mind, is it the ability to sprint 100m in 10 seconds or the capacity to run a marathon? Maybe it’s just chasing after your kids… Continue Reading >

20 empowering affirmations to help you rock your birth

It’s been 7 weeks and 5 hours since I gave birth to my son. And it’s been 7 weeks and 16 hours since I’ve opened my laptop.  Now, as the baby is sleeping and the older boy is having some… Continue Reading >