How can parents help promote STEM and STEAM education at home?

Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics education provide a solid groundwork for students to become innovative, creative thinkers and skilled tacticians. Problem-solving skills, creativity, teamwork, and job readiness are just a few outcomes that can be achieved through STEAM education.

How to teach kids about gravity and friction the fun way, with VTech

Media kindly brought to you by VTech  If you assumed that physics was outside of your child’s grasp until secondary school, think again! Early STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) has gained momentum in recent years and considering… Continue Reading >

How to use sand and water play to engage children in early STEAM education

Media kindly brought to you by Plum Play  It’s easy to underestimate how humble sand and water can play a big role in your child’s grasp of basic science and creative expression that help them make sense of the world…. Continue Reading >